Right to Rise PAC

"Sweetwater" +

1:16 video from May 23, 2015.

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        Miami FL, Jorge Mas Canosa Youth Center

Bush: In Washington they believe you can tax your way, you can spend your way, you can regulate your way to prosperity and we have one of the most anemic recoveries in American history.

Woman: Jeb Bush to me is the most brillian elected official I have ever met.

Man: Gov. Bush is a great leader.  He has, you know, historical accomplishments as a governor and as a business leader and just as a civic leader here in our community so I'm honored to support him.

Bush: Compare that to the eight years when I was governor when we worked together to cut taxes and to cut regulations and to make this state the most business friendly state.

Woman: Tiene una familia latina como la nuestra.
transl: He has a Latino family like ours.

Bush: Gracias a todos ustedes, nuestros amigos de Columba y yo por muchos años.
transl: Thanks to all of our friends of Columba and I for many years...

Man: Jeb Bush como gobernador ... un gran trabajo ...
transl: Jeb Bush, as governor, did a great job in helping small business.

Bush: We need to restore the right to rise, where people have a chance to rise up, and where people make decisions for themselves.

Woman:  El entiende la economía, entiende el sacrificio de la familia y sabe equilibrar un presupuesto.
transl: He knows about the economy, he understands a family's sacrifice and knows how to balance a budget.

Bush: And when we interact with all of us together in all of our unique ways, it creates more prosperity, more innovation, more dynamism, more possibilities than any government program ever created.
