Reclaim America PAC

"Coach Marco" +

1:37 video, Jan. 31, 2014.

[Background Music] [Nat. Sound]
: One of the best things I've ever gotten to do is to work with you guys.

Okay, this team got better every week, you played a great game.  Sometimes in life you're going to win, sometimes things aren't going to go the way you like.  You work and fight through this and it'll all work out.

Rubio voiceover: I don't know of any better teacher of life lessons than sports.  To be able to use situations in a game, win or lose, positive or negative, to take a kid aside and say "what just happened wasn't just about football.  You're going to face something like this in life."  Remember the lesson you learned today and reinforce that for them.  And I really enjoy doing that.

Rubio: All you got to do is get in front of them.  If I'm the receiver, and I go this way, all you got to do is get in front of me.  That's it.

Rubio voiceover: One day I won't be a Senator anymore, one day I won't be elected to anything, but I'll always be a father and husband.  Those are my most important jobs.  If I get those jobs wrong, the other jobs won't work either.  My son will never be eight years old again.  My six-year old will never be six years old again.  So these are days and months and weeks that are go by and you're never can get them back.  What's important for young people and what I want them to understand is we all have a passion for something; it's whatever we want to do with our talents and abilities and you should pursue that.  I believe this is a country where anybody can do that.

Rubio: I am proud to be part of this team, and I'm proud to be, have worked with all of you guys.

[Nat. Sound] [Music finishes]

Notes:  A very distinctive video, "Coach Marco" came out around the time of the Super Bowl.  It features footage of Rubio helping to coach his son's Pee Wee football team in Fall 2013.  The video prompted mixed comments.  Steve McCollum accused Rubio of "using  your own kids as a prop for your political career?"  Dan Sheehy replied, "Stevemccollum--- i know i don't have to come the protection of Marco, but I am the Head coach of this team-- and the video is dead on....Marco cared about every kid on the team and he is 100% right--'but he will always be a father and husband'. The TRUTH."