Cruz for President

"Chance" +

:60 ad announced Feb. 15, 2016, run in SC.

Cruz:  I’m Ted Cruz and I approve this message.

Trump:  I’m very capable of changing to anything I want to change to.
Male Announcer:  That’s for sure.
Tim Russert:  Would President Trump ban partial birth abortion?
Trump:  Well look I am pro-choice in every respect.
Tim Russert:  But you would not ban it?
Trump:  No.
Male Announcer:  And Planned Parenthood?
Trump:  Planned Parenthood serves a good function.
Announcer:  And Hillary Clinton?
Trump:  I think she does a good job and I like her.
Male Announcer:  South Carolina cannot trust Donald Trump.
Trump:  I’m very capable of changing to anything I want to change to.
Male Announcer:  Don’t give him that chance.

Notes:  Includes some of the same clips seen in other ads attacking Trump.

According to the Feb. 15 press release, "In response to today's Trump meltdown, the Cruz campaign has released an ad featuring Donald Trump's liberal record on partial-birth abortion, federal funding for Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton... all in his own words."