Draft Biden [super PAC]

"Never Quit" +

:90 ad run on CNN during the first Democratic debate on Oct. 13, 2015. 


Biden (audio from speech): We had a pretty good idea what all those families, all you Americans in trouble, were going through, in part because our own families had gone through similar struggles.

When I was a young kid in third grade I remember my dad coming up the stairs of my grandpop's house where we were living, sitting at the end of my bed and saying, Joey, I'm going to have to leave for a while, go down to Wilmington, Delaware with uncle Frank.  There are good jobs down there honey, and in a little while, a little while, I'll be able to send for you and mom and Jimmy and Val, and everything's going to be fine.

For the rest of our lives, my sister and my brothers, for the rest of our life, my dad never failed to remind us that a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. [applause]  It's about your dignity, it's about respect, it's about your place in the community, it's about being able to look your child in the eye and say honey it's going to be okay, and mean it and know its true.  You never quit on America, and you deserve a president who will never quit on you.
        TEXT:  Joe, run.

Notes: Biden audio over black and white photos.  This ad ran several times during the debate. It replaced an earlier ad, "My Redemption," which the group pulled.