Kasich for America

"100 Days" +

:30 ad run in SC from Feb. 12, 2016.


Male Announcer:  The first 100 days.

John Kasich will make them count.

Cut taxes to create jobs.

Freeze regulations.

Enforce a balanced budget amendment plan.

And secure the border. 

John Kasich always gets it done and leaves no one behind. 

No excuses.  No surrender.

Kasich (clip):  If I get elected president, head out tomorrow and buy a seatbelt because there's going to be so much happening in the first 100 days its going to make your head spin, and were going to move America forward.

Male Announcer:  America.  Buckle.  Up.

John Kasich.

Kasich (voiceover): I'm John Kasich and I approve this message.
