Rand Paul for President

"Waters Of The U.S." +

0:60 ad from Aug. 5, 2015 run on ag radio in IA, including the Big Show on WHO.



Rand Paul: In Washington, DC President Obama and the EPA are trying to quietly begin the greatest government land grab in our history and few are paying attention.

Hi, this is Rand Paul.  Obama's looming Waters of the U.S. regulation will place 97% of Iowa land and every farm under greater control by the federal government, and the implications are devastating.  For Iowa farmers even the smallest of these regulations will cost thousands of dollars and years of delay, effectively transferring management of Iowa farmland to the EPA.

One day one of my presidency this regulation will be repealed and we will again unleash the American farmer to do what he does best, feed the world.

Male Announcer: Join Rand Paul in the fight to defeat the Washington Machine and unleash the American Dream.  Sign up for your free yard sign at RandPaul.com.

Rand Paul: I'm Rand Paul and I approved this message.

Male Announcer: Paid for by Rand Paul for President.

Notes: See also: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Clean Water Rule."