Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

"New York Values" +

:60 ad from Apr. 12, 2016, run in NY.



Donald Trump:  Hi, I'm Donald Trump and I'm running for president, and I love New York; everybody knows that.

When it comes to New York values, other candidates do not like us.

Our trade deals are a disaster.  I'm going to bring back jobs from Mexico, from China, from Japan, from all over.

I proposed the biggest tax cut of anybody running for president.

I'm going to save Medicare and Social Security; it's going to be solvent with me.

Obamacare, which is costing a fortune and doesn't work, will be repealed and replaced.

Our military will be bigger, better and stronger than ever before.  We'll knock out ISIS fast and our vets will be taken care of.

And I'll protect our Second Amendment.

I'll create strong borders, and we're going to build a wall, and yes, Mexico will pay for that wall.

Please go out and vote on Tuesday.  I'll never let you down.  We are going to make America great again.

I'm Donald Trump, candidate for president, and I approved this message.

Female Announcer:  Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc..
