Clinton 2016 General Election Campaign Organization, South Carolina
SOUTH CAROLINA  |  Clinton Main Page

(page updated September 17, 2016)
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Hillary for America 942 Harden Street  |  Columbia, South Carolina 29205   ...opening event on Sept. 18, 2016
fb/HillaryforSC  |  @HillaryforSC  |

State Director  Alycia Albergottie

(announced Aug. 5, 2016)  Executive assistant at Dickey Law Group, LLC from June 2014.  Camapign manager on Val Applewhite for Mayor (Fayetteville, NC), July-Oct. 2013.  Deputy campaign manager on Benjamin for Mayor of Columbia, SC, May-July 2013.  Regional field director on Elizabeth Colbert Busch for Congress, Jan.-March 2013.  Regional field director (West) for Organizing for America South Carolina, 2012.  Project coordinator (Oct. 2010-Dec. 2011) and research coordinator (Oct. 2008-Aug. 2011) at the University of South Carolina.  B.S. in biology from Allen University, 2008.

Coordinated Campaign
Rep. John King
Sen. Margie Bright Matthews
Rep. James Smith

(announced July 21, 2016)

Field Organization
announced Aug. 23, 2016)

State Field Director  Ernest Boston, Jr.

Most recently campaign manager on Hyman for Congress in SC-7.  Deputy field director and earlier Florence/Pee Dee regional field director on Bernie 2016 South Carolina primary campaign; after South Carolina worked on the campaign in Idaho, Alaska and Maryland.  Field organizer on the South Carolina Democratic Coordinated Campaign in 2014.  B.S. in political science and history from Francis Marion University in Florence.  twitter

Midlands #1 (Central/South)  Maria Reyes
Richland, Lexington, Calhoun, Clarendon, Orangeburg, Bamberg, Barnwell, Allendale, Aiken
Midlands #2 (North)  Tucker Lawson
York, Cherokee, Union, Chester, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lancaster, Newberry
Lowcountry  Ursula Wilkerson
Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester, Colleton, Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton
Pee Dee  Margie Scott
Florence, Lee, Sumter, Darlington, Williamsburg, Horry, Georgetown, Marion, Dillon, Marlboro, Chesterfield
Upstate  Mickey Suber
Greenville, Spartanburg, Pickens, Oconee, Anderson, Abbeville, McCormick, Edgefield, Saluda, Greenwood, Laurens

South Carolina Democratic Party  |  915 Lady Street, Ste 111  |  Columbia SC 29201  |  fb/southcarolinadems  |  @scdp

Chairman  Jaime Harrison

(elected May 4, 2013)  Principal at the Podesta Group from 2008.  Floor director and counsel to U.S. House Office of the Majority Whip, Jan. 2007-Dec. 2008.  Executive director of the House Democratic Caucus, Jan.-Dec. 2006.  Policy advisor to U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn, Jan. 2003-Dec. 2005.  COO of College Summit, Aug. 1999-Dec. 2002.  Teacher (longterm temp.) and Orangeburg-Wilkinson High School, Aug. 1998-June 1999.  J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center, 2004.  B.A. in political science from Yale University, 1998.  twitter

Executive Director  Christale Spain

(May 2016)  Political outreach director on Bernie Sanders SC primary campaign from Sept. 15, 2015.  Deputy executive director of the South Carolina Democratic Party; started at the party in April 2012.  Director of activities and education programs at the Carolina Childrens Home, March 2005-Aug. 2011.  M.A. in human behavior and conflict management from Columbia College, 2010; B.A. in sociology (human services) from University of South Carolina at Aiken, 1999.  Native of Columbia, SC.  twitter

Finance Director  Joseph Schweitzer

Policy and Communications Director  Matthew Ellison