Priorities USA Action

"I Love War" +

:30 TV ad run in FL, IA, NV, NH, NC and OH from Sept. 9, 2016

[Sound/Music very low]

Trump (clip):  I'm really good at war.  I love war in a certain way.

Trump (clip):  Including with nukes, yes, including with nukes.

Trump (clip):  I know more about ISIS than, the generals do, believe me.

Trump (clip):  Nuclear, just the power, the devastation is very important to me.

Trump (clip):  I want to be unpredictable [echo effect: unpredictable, unpredictable]

Male Announcer:  Priorities USA  Action is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Notes:  Sept. 9 email from Priorities USA Action

PRIORITIES NEW TV AD ANGERS TRUMP CAMP. NBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald reports that “With a mushroom cloud and at least $5 million worth of TV airtime behind it, the new ad from the pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC Priorities USA is sure to stand out in a crowded political landscape. The spot, "I Love War," which was shared first with NBC News, will run widely in North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, Nevada and Iowa starting Friday. It includes no narration, opting instead for images of war juxtaposed with Trump's own words.” NBC’s First Read reported the next morning that “Pro-Clinton group PrioritiesUSA Action will air its new ad blasting Trump on national security issues during the Commander-in-Chief forum on NBC stations in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Colorado, Iowa and Nevada.” This way even during commercial breaks, voters were be able to see just how dangerous a Donald Trump presidency would be. Awkward! You can watch the new ad “I Love War” below: