July 2, 2015


1. A Complete Transition to Renewable Energy—and an End to our Reliance on Fossil Fuels by 2050

We can’t address our climate challenge without ending our reliance on fossil fuels — full stop. I would take aggressive executive action and fight for legislation to slash emissions and put our nation on track to be powered by 100% renewable energy within 35 years.

As President, I would fight for federal legislation for a cap on carbon emissions from all sources, with proceeds from permits returned to lower- and middle-class families, and invested in job transition assistance and the new Clean Energy Jobs Corps.

On Day One, I would reject projects like Keystone XL, deny new permits for drilling in Alaska, Antarctica, and off our coasts, and increase royalties and emissions fees for fossil fuel companies currently drilling on federal lands, investing the proceeds in jobs and skills training.

I would also make sure we keep domestically produced oil and gas in the U.S., instead of selling it abroad – unless there is a clear strategic security rationale.

I would increase royalties and emissions fees for fossil fuel companies currently drilling on federal lands, and invest the proceeds in jobs and skills training.

I would root out subsidies for fossil fuels, while extending production and investment tax credits for renewable energy for the long term. Taxpayer subsidies for fossil fuel companies total $4 billion a year, even as the biggest oil companies reap $90 billion in annual profits.

And I would make sure federal agencies do all they can to protect public health and the environment by:

Requiring the federal fleet to be subject to low- or zero-emissions purchasing agreements. Our federal fleet of 250,000 vehicles consumes more than $450 million gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel every year.
Fuel costs saved should be reinvested in clean energy deployment and jobs.

Directing the Environmental Protection Agency to take aggressive action to limit greenhouse gases, expanding rules to other large sources of emissions beyond power plants.

Directing the Environmental Protection Agency to adopt a zero-tolerance policy for methane leaks from current oil and gas production, which waste $1.8 billion annually, while exacerbating greenhouse gas pollution.

2. An Aggressive Agenda to Double Energy Efficiency Within 15 Years To Waste Less Energy and Create More Jobs

If we waste less energy, we can create more jobs — while saving Americans real money on energy costs and protecting our environment. Maximizing energy efficiency in buildings alone could eliminate the need to increase our national electricity generation capacity.

That’s why I would set a national goal of doubling our energy efficiency within 15 years.

On Day One, I would direct the EPA and Departments of Defense and Transportation to set strong efficiency standards, including setting strict “MPG” standards for new buildings. And I would require energy costs to be up-front and transparent to tenants and purchasers.

And I would retrofit federal buildings to the highest efficiency standards and require new federal buildings to be net-zero. The federal government owns and manages nearly 900,000 buildings, more than any other entity. And building retrofits out-perform investments in new gas and oil exploration as a form of job creation or economic stimulus by 3 to 1.

3. Renewed Investment in the Physical—and Intellectual—Infrastructure to Power a Clean Energy Economy

New technologies have put a clean energy, energy independent future within reach. It is up to us to develop and deploy the technologies we’ll need to get there.

First, I would support a Clean Energy Financing Authority to facilitate clean energy infrastructure projects, efforts to increase efficiency, and resiliency upgrades in communities nationwide. I would also require all federally funded infrastructure projects to meet climate resiliency standards.

As part of my agenda, modernizing our electric grid would be a first-order priority. Our electric grid must evolve to support localized, renewable energy generation, reduce electricity waste, and increase security from sabotage or attack. Power outages are up 285% over the last 30 years, costing businesses as much as $150 billion each year, and renewable energy sources remain unconnected.

I would also increase our investment in basic clean energy research so the U.S. can reclaim the lead on energy innovation, including advancing development, deployment, transmission, storage for renewable energy, and managing demand more effectively.

4. A New Clean Energy Job Corps To Rebuild, Retrofit, and Restore our Communities and Environment

Clean, renewable energy is the biggest business and job creation opportunity we’ve seen in the last hundred years. Compared with the fossil fuel industry, the renewable energy industry creates more jobs for each unit of electricity generated. And clean energy jobs are long-term, good-paying opportunities.

That’s why I would create a new Clean Energy Jobs Corps to help realize our transition to a clean energy economy. The Clean Energy Corps would partner with communities to retrofit buildings to be more energy efficient, improve local resiliency, create new green spaces, and restore and expand our forests so they can absorb more greenhouse gases.

In addition, I would also work with industry to help meet current skills and employment needs that the current labor market isn’t sufficiently supplying, like new utility workers and cybersecurity experts.

A Jobs Agenda for Iowa's Renewable Energy Future

As a nation we have made great strides toward becoming energy independent. Now is the time to accelerate that progress.

I believe, within 35 years, our country can and should be 100% powered by clean energy, supported by millions of new jobs. But we have to accelerate the transition right now. To support Iowa’s continued leadership in clean energy, as President I would:

Incentivize the production of clean energy, not fossil fuels.

  • End fossil fuel subsidies, and reinvest the savings in a long-term extension of the Production Tax Credit and Investment Tax Credit. These credits are critical to a healthy wind industry, and make rooftop solar installations affordable for homeowners and businesses. Yet Congress regularly lets the credits expire, leading to a boom-bust cycle of development that hurts job creation and investment.

Support rural clean energy finance.

  • Launch a Clean Energy Finance Authority, and direct it to support community wind and solar projects. This should include working with rural electric cooperatives so they can affordably install renewable energy generation – from investing in Clean Renewable Energy Bonds, to supporting partnerships so co-ops can take advantage of renewable energy tax credits.
  • Redouble USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program, which provides grants and loan guarantees to agricultural producers and rural small businesses, to help purchase renewable energy systems and make energy efficiency improvements.

Provide a strong market for biofuels.

  • Enact a long-term extension of the Biodiesel Tax Credit, including production incentives for second-generation biofuels, while investing in renewable fuel infrastructure to support biofuels and electric cars.
  • Maintain a strong market for biofuels, by directing the EPA to set annual volume targets that comply fully with the Renewable Fuel Standard. High targets drive new investments in biofuel innovation and infrastructure, creating jobs and tearing down barriers to using renewable fuels.

Train workers to join growing clean energy industries.

  • Create a new Clean Energy Jobs Corps to partner with communities to build clean energy infrastructure, retrofit buildings to be more energy efficient, and expand our fields and forests so they can absorb more greenhouse gases.
  • Partner with industry to help meet skills and employment needs in renewable energy production, construction, and manufacturing. Launch a national initiative for career and technical education, starting in high school, to develop a pipeline of workers for the new clean energy economy.

Modernize our electric grid to support localized, renewable energy generation.

  • Prioritize modernizing our electric grid, to support localized, renewable energy generation – and better connect existing wind generation to the consumers who need it.

July 2, 2015

TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Lis Smith, Deputy Campaign Manager
RE: O'Malley Heads to Iowa with Aggressive Goal: 100% Renewable Energy by

Today, Governor Martin O’Malley is kicking off a 3-day swing through Iowa to formally unveil his goal of making the U.S. 100% powered by renewable energy by 2050.

The Governor identifies the challenge of climate change as both a moral imperative for our nation and a tremendous economic opportunity to create new jobs. That’s why he led on tackling climate change as governor, and why he’s made this goal the center of his campaign.

In Maryland, Governor O’Malley made addressing climate change one of his top priorities. He successfully cut greenhouse gas emissions by 10%, and under his leadership the clean energy sector in the state created thousands of new jobs.

In the Des Moines Register
this week, Governor O’Malley laid out his vision, saying, “as president, I would use my executive power on day one to declare the transition to a clean energy future the number one priority of our federal government.”

·         Read his white paper on making the U.S. 100% powered by renewables by 2050 <https://martinomalley.com/climate/agenda/>

·         Read his white paper on how we can learn from the progress Iowa has made <https://martinomalley.com/climate/iowa/>

Governor O’Malley’s bold, progressive policy ideas for tackling climate change have won high praise for “set[ting] an extremely high bar
"and being a "bold approach that sets the standard
on the climate debate.

He is the only candidate to put forth an aggressive plan to take on climate change, and he is the only candidate with proven leadership – getting real results in Maryland.



*Salon Headline: This Is What A Real Climate Plan Looks Like: Martin O’Malley’s Bold Approach Sets The Standard

*Huffington Post Headline: Martin O'Malley Just Set An Extremely High Bar On Climate Change For 2016 Democratic Contenders

*The Hill Headline: O’Malley Pushes Aggressive Climate Change Platform

*Grist Headline: Here’s What Climate Hawk Martin O’Malley Would Do As President

*USA Today Headline: O'Malley Unveils Climate Change Plan

*Washington Post Headline: As The Pope Opines On Climate Change, O’Malley Releases A Clean Energy Agenda

*Vice Headline: The Presidential Candidate With A Plan To Run The US On 100% Clean Energy

*Daily Kos Headline: Martin O'Malley Calls For Getting 100% Off Fossil Fuels By 2050

*Eco Watch Headline: Presidential Candidate Martin O’Malley: We Can And Should Be 100% Powered by Renewable Energy By 2050

*MSNBC Headline: Martin O’Malley Calls For 100% Clean Energy By 2050

*National Journal Headline: Tom Steyer Sends Hillary Clinton A Message, Via Pope Francis And Martin O’Malley

"O’Malley has long been a hawk on climate change, and this platform is in keeping with his record. Much of what he’s laid out in this document is meant to emphasize that he is very much to the left of Hillary Clinton on the issue.

“By laying down a clear and ambitious goal for climate policy, O’Malley is injecting some clarity into the climate change debate and giving environmental activists something to rally around."

*Eco Watch <http://ecowatch.com/2015/06/18/martin-omalley-climate-plan/>:*
“Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley has released a position paper on the environment that deserves more attention…”

*The Hill
"O'Malley's target on clean energy is the most aggressive aspect of a climate change platform full of policy proposals that are red meat for liberals and environmentalists."

“O'Malley does have a political impetus to stake his claim on climate policy—it's one thing that will distinguish him from his peers...”

“[Governor O'Malley] is the first candidate to produce anything resembling a detailed climate policy…Collectively, they would go further than President Obama has — or than Hillary Clinton has called for thus far.

“O’Malley is promising to treat climate change — an issue that is often marginalized even by pro-environment candidates — as the hugely important challenge that it is... [He] is unafraid to set himself apart from Obama and the centrist, corporatist wing of his party that embraces fossil fuel development.”

*Daily Kos
“O'Malley did not become a climate hawk just yesterday. In 2009, he signed into law a state goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent from 2006 levels by 2020. He has pushed other environmental actions as well, including cleaning up Chesapeake Bay and reducing methane emissions from landfills by boosting composting.”

“The sweeping plan ... could help O’Malley stand out and excite Democratic primary voters who care about this issue ...”

*National Journal
“[Steyer] effusively praised Martin O'Malley for taking the lead...Steyer created a clear contrast between O'Malley and Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner who has yet to take a position on the controversial pipeline and so far has not laid out nearly as detailed a vision for fighting global

*Washington Post
"As some Catholic candidates seeking the Republican presidential nomination question the pope’s advocacy on climate change, Democratic hopeful Martin O’Malley is embracing it."
