Progressive Groups Call for "Budget for People, Peace, and Planet" ...1 of 3 >
Dec. 10, 2013-As the House-Senate budget conference committee approaches its Dec. 13 deadline for reconciling the two chambers' budget resolutions, a small coalition of progressive activists ralied on Capitol Hill for a "Budget for People, Peace, and Planet" including significant cuts in military spending and increased spending on social programs.  Amid falling snow, the activists showed a large banner in front of the Capitol. They then held a press conference in Cannon HOB, and finally delivered letters to the offices of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA).

Note: Later in the day Rep. Ryan and Sen. Murray announced they had reached a two-year budget agreement, rendering the activities pictured here a minor footnote on the day.  Nonetheless the groups did make their point.

The banner is unfurled...

Cheri Honkala and Jill Stein (center), the 2012 Green Party vice presidential and presidential nominees, help hold up the banner along with Elizabeth Ortiz and Glenn Davis of Philadelphia.

The banner is re-furled...
[Oh-oh, here comes a snow sweeper].

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