Carly Fiorina Participates in Heritage Foundation Panel on Growth  ...1 of 1 >
Dec. 18, 2014 -- Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina participated in a panel "And Now for a Congressional Growth Agenda" at the Heritage Foundation.  Fiorina declared that "this government takes in too much money."  She questioned the notion of revenue-neutral tax reform, saying it is time "to start sending less money to Washington."  Fiorina called for a simpler tax system, stating, "We have to fundamentally reform the tax code, not just in terms of rates, but in terms of complexity."
Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint made introductory remarks.
MSNBC commentator Larry Kudlow moderated the discussion, which also included economist Arthur Laffer, AEI columnist Jim Pethokoukis, and host Stephen Moore.
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