Justice for All March Against Police Violence  ...2 of 5 >
Dec. 13, 2014 - Marchers against police violence gather near the Capitol.
Activists from Detroit talk with a reporter from National Public Radio.
Rev. Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, chairman of the National Action Network.
(Above) At left is Stephen Singleton, who made a ten-hour trip from Detroit on a church-organized bus.
(Above) Joshua Williams from Ferguson, Missouri speaks.  According to organizers, 400 people made the trip from Ferguson.
One of the leaders of recent protests in DC.  "Fists up, fight back," she declared.
Congressman Al Green (D-TX).  In September he introduced H.R. 5407, the Transparency in Policing Act (TIP) of 2014, "which would require state and local law enforcement agencies that receive funds from the Department of Justice to acquire body cameras for use by their law enforcement officers."

Ed. note.  Congressman Green seemed to be the only elected official to address the rally.  Democracy in Action did find one somewhat crumpled flyer from Larry E. Ealy, a longshot candidate
from Ohio running for President in 2016.
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