Tea Party Celebrates Fifth Anniversary   ...5 of 5 >
Feb. 27, 2014 - Jenny Beth Martin wraps up.  She noted that Tea Party Patriots had finally received 501(c)(4) tax exempt status just the day before, after filing in 2011.  Martin advocated the Penny Plan.  “To get our country back on track, we need to reduce spending by one penny for every dollar the federal government spends,” she said.  "Implementing the Penny Plan is the first step to the debt-free future we want," Martin said.  She also said Tea Party Patriots would work to "amend the Constitution and replace the income tax with a fair, fixed tax rate."  And she took on Obamacare.  "If we're serious about personal freedom...we must repeal the entire health care law," Martin said. 
Keli Carender honors those who participated in the first Tea Party call.
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