Values Voter Summit 2014 ... >
Sept. 26, 2014 - Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) had an interesting take on Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign slogan "it's the economy stupid." 

"I’m glad we’ve got a free market economy.  I’m glad we’ve got a democratic system.  But it’s not the economy, stupid.  Rather, it’s the – it’s the culture, stupid.  (Applause.)
"Now don’t get me wrong.  I’m all for capitalism and a strong economy.  But capitalism and free enterprise will fail in a country where people don’t respect the rule of law, they don’t care for each other, they don’t share a common view of the dignity of all mankind as God’s creation.  Put simply, culture matters. 


"Now don’t get me wrong.  Again, I love democracy, but even democracy will fail in a place where the collective intentions of the governed are bent on selfishness, greed, lawlessness and on subjugating others.  Democracy only works when it can rely on the bedrock foundation of a culture where people share a common commitment to doing the right thing and to playing by the rules.  Otherwise, democracy simply becomes the will of the mob.  Americans success relies on a healthy culture, a culture that admits that some things are right, some things are wrong; a culture that respects life; a culture that honors the dignity of every individual and honors the values of our Judeo-Christian ethic." 
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