Ready for Hillary
Text of Email

Nov. 5, 2014

Joe, last night was a tough night for Democrats.

Together we fought hard to push Democratic leaders over the finish line in battleground races, but we came up short. Even though the results aren't what we'd hoped for, I am so grateful to have been able to count on you -- thank you for everything you did to help Democrats this fall.

Don't let last night's results discourage you. Now more than ever, we need to show Hillary that we're ready for her to get in this race.

America needs Hillary's leadership -- add your name today and say you'll support Hillary.

The strength of our movement is undeniable -- we have nearly 3 million supporters nationwide and over 100,000 small-dollar grassroots donors. And the Hillary Bus has traveled over 40,000 miles and visited more than 38 college campuses!

But there's still so much work to be done. With Republican majorities in both the House and Senate, we're going to have to fight harder than ever before to make our voices heard.

The best thing we can do to tackle our nation's challenges is to encourage Hillary to run for president in 2016.

Add your name and say you're ready for Hillary in 2016.

Thanks for everything!

Adam Parkhomenko
Executive Director, Ready for Hillary

-- P.S. Once you've signed your name, forward this email to three friends and ask them to join our movement today.