Offices Sprouting Up Around Iowa  ...Next >
Run Warren Run office at 419 SW 8th Street in Des Moines.  The office will be closing after holding a potluck for supporters on June 10.  Iowa field director Blair Lawton stated, "Our campaign did an excellent job of bringing new people into the movement. Nearly half of our volunteers had never been involved with a campaign before; never made a call, never knocked a door, and never attended a county party meeting. Our movement was not only about showing the hunger for a Warren candidacy, but also adding to the progessive base in Iowa."
John Watkins, a dedicated volunteer, calls supporters to invite them to the potluck.
"We are millions of Americans excited about Elizabeth Warren and how she fights for working people and the middle class, and we're intent on showing her she has the support she needs to enter and win the presidential race."
Matt Keating, regional field director for Central Iowa, and Vegas the big dog.
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