January 6, 2015                                                                                                                    


Vision 2020 Theme of RedState Gathering of Top Conservative Activists

2015 RedState Gathering to Kick Off Presidential Campaign Season

Washington, D.C. - RedState Editor-in-Chief Erick Erickson announced the theme of the seventh annual RedState Gathering: Vision 2020.  The event will take place August 6-9, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia.  This year’s RedState Gathering will kick off the 2016 presidential campaign and top-tier candidates in attendance will have an opportunity to present their vision for America to conservative activists from across the nation.
“This August’s RedState Gathering will kick off the 2016 presidential campaign season,” said Erickson.  “At RedState, we capture the pulse of the authentic conservative movement outside Washington, D.C. and across America.  At this year’s Gathering, aspiring candidates will share their thoughts on the role of government in society and their visions for the future of our nation. 
“Whoever the next president is, he will seek a second term in the year 2020.  For the Republicans, they should take advantage of 2020 and tell us with foresight, not with hindsight, what their vision for America is.        
”Republicans running in 2016 need to spend less time blaming Barack Obama and more time telling the public how the country will look in 2020.  They should avoid the platitudes and instead paint the picture.
“The first task of any Republican presidential candidate must be to convince the American people that they, not government, control their destiny.  The candidate must, in order to do that, really believe that our best days are ahead of us and not just say it because he is running for president.
“Candidates will take the excitement and momentum from the RedState Gathering and fly directly to Iowa.  This coming August it will be in Atlanta, Georgia.  I hope to get as many of the 2016 Republican field as I can to come show us their vision for America with 2020 foresight.  The multi-point plans will be no good if the Republican nominee cannot convey that he cares.  We need to find that happy warrior.”

Read Erick Erickson’s column titled “A 2020 Vision” here.

For more information or to register to attend, visit http://www.redstate.com/gathering/.