March for Marriage ...2 of 2 >
June 19, 2014 - Former Sen. Rick Santorum addresses the March for Marriage.  At left is the translator who translated Santorum's remarks into Spanish.
Santorum's remarks (transcript):

"This is a movement like the pro-life movement.  It is based in love.  This is a movement based in love for what is best for children and families in America.  People from across the ideological spectrum will all admit that marriage between a man and a woman is best for raising children and building strong communities.  So why do we have such disagreement in America today?  The reason we have such disagreement in America is because of the definition of marriage.  And I mean definition not between same-sex couples and heterosexual couples; I mean the definition of what marriage is.  Marriage is not just a romantic relationship between two people.  Marriage is much, much, much more than that.  But let's face it, over the past 50 years we have seen marriage be redefined, and we can't blame those who want to move same-sex marriage for that redefinition.  We are the ones to blame.  And so first and foremost in this movement we have to reclaim marriage for what it is.  Marriage is the union of a man and a woman--it is the union between a man and a woman for the purpose of taking two people as one, a unity, and secondly to have and raise children.  No other union can accomplish those two [inaud.]  So what I have said repeatedly, that if marriage is simply a romantic relationship between two people then anybody should be able to get married.  But that's not what marriage is.  So it is important for us in the fight to redefine marriage to first reclaim the institution of marriage.  And that is on us.  That is on us to go out and talk about the importance of marriage for children, for men and for women.  It's also important to understand how marriage is important for our economy.  Every marriage, every family is a little business.  How much easier is it to run a business with two people in the business as opposed to one?  We need to help rebuild marriage of men and women coming together to raise our children.  And we need to do this first and foremost with respect for all people.  This isn't about hating anybody or anything.  This is about loving truth and loving what's best for men, women and children.  Thank you and God Bless you."

Note: Former Gov. Mike Huckabee was another big-name politicial leader to address the rally.
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