Presidential Prospects Address Values Voter Summit

"Republicans cannot be successful without an engaged

 value voter constituency." 

-Tony Perkins
, President, FRC Action and Family Research Council

Sept. 25-27, 2014 - With the number of days until the Nov. 4, 2014 mid-term elections rapidly dwindling, about 1,900 social conservatives gathered in Washington for the ninth annual Values Voter Summit.  Attendees heard from Christian leaders, media personalities and five potential 2016 presidential candidates.  Panels addressed themes such as "America Abroad: Our Role in the Global Quest for Freedom," "Marriage in America: The Road Ahead," and "Common Core: The Government's Classroom."  There were also breakout sessions, book signings, and a busy exhibit space. 

The Straw Poll drew 901 total voters, and the top finishers were Ted Cruz (25.31%), Ben Carson (19.87%), Mike Huckabee (11.99%), Rick Santorum (9.66%), Bobby Jindal (6.99%) and Rand Paul (6.99%); others tallied 19.09%.  The Straw Poll also showed that the top concerns of attendees were: protecting religious liberty (38.73%), pro-life/abortion (19.09%) and national security (13.76%).

"In 39 days, I believe we’re going to retake the United States Senate and we are going to retire Harry Reid as majority leader.  And in 2017, with a Republican president in the White House – we are going to sign legislation repealing every word of 'Obamacare.'”  - Sen. Ted Cruz

"What America needs is not just another politician or more promises, what America really needs is a revival."  - Sen. Rand Paul

"Quit being scared and start being activists and making things happen in America.  The first part of doing that is to elect leaders who are clear-minded, who have experience and who have looked at these problems for a long time and have come down on the right side."  - former Sen. Rick Santorum

"There is rebellion brewing amongst us in these United States of America, where the – we are ready for a hostile takeover.  We are going to take our country back from the entrenched interests in Washington, D.C.."   - Gov. Bobby Jindal

"Imagine what would happen if the people of faith, if the value voters of America, the evangelical, the pro-life and pro-family Catholics and Protestants all over this country would let it be known we are registered and we will show up, we would hire good people and we would fire people that should have been fired a long time ago."  - Former Gov. Mike Huckabee

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