The Campaign in Missouri

The Clinton campaign did not run TV ads in Missouri, but TV viewers nonetheless saw quite a bit of her in ads from Sen. Blunt's re-election campaign and its allies.

Friends of Roy Blunt ad ?title (Sept. 2016)

Male Announcer:  Do you support expanding Obamacare?

Hillary Clinton and Jason Kander do.

Do you want more liberal Supreme Court justices?

Hillary Clinton and Jason Kander do.

Do you support a new energy tax?

Hillary Clinton and Jason Kander do.

Amnesty for illegal immigrants.  Hillary Clinton and Jason Kander: Yes.

On every major issue, Clinton and Kander agree.  Do you?

Disclaimer: I'm Roy Blunt and I approve this message.

Friends of Roy Blunt ad
"Clinton Cash" (Oct. 21, 2016)

Male Announcer: When Hillary Clinton went shopping for help iwth her liberal agenda, her first stop was Jason Kander's headquarters.

Clinton just gave half a million dollars to help Kander.  She knows he supports her bad ideas like expanding Obamacare, amnesty for illegal immigrants and liberal Supreme Court judges. 

If Hillary Clinton is president, Jason Kander will be a blank check for Clinton's liberal agenda...

Senate Leadership Fund ad "Count the Ways"  (Oct. 31, 2016)

Male Announcer: It's surprising how many ways Jason Kander is just like Hillary Clinton.

Constantly running for office.

Voting against tax relief.

Mishandling public money.

Allowing tax dollars for illegal immigrants.

Defending Obamacare.

Millions in campaign cash from lawyers.

Another vote for liberal Supreme Court justices.

One Hillary in Washington would be bad enough.

Reject Jason Kander. 

Senate Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.