Trump 2016 General Election Campaign Organization, Arkansas
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(page updated September 7, 2016)
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Donald J. Trump for President 
State Chairman  Bud Cummins

Attorney, Law Offices of Bud Cummins PLC since Dec. 2006.  Strategic advisor (March 2010-July 2015) and general counsel (March 2010-DEc. 2013) for The Circumference Group.  U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas, Dec. 2001-Dec. 2006.  Attorney and government relations, Cummins and Associates, 1998-2000.  Chief legal counsel to the Gov. of Arkansas, 1997-98.  Republican nominee for Congress in AR-2, 1996.  J.D. from University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law, 1989; B.S./B.A. in finance and real estate from University of Arkansas, 1981. twitter

fb "Arkansas for Donald Trump 2016"  |  @arkansasfordonaldtrump

Arkansas Republican Party  |  1201 W. 6th Street  |  Little Rock, AR  72201  |  fb/arkansasgop  |  @ARGOP

Chairman  Doyle Webb

(first elected in Dec. 2008, re-elected to a fourth term on Dec. 6, 2014)  Attorney.  Chief of staff to Lt. Gov. Win Rockefeller, April 2002-Jan. 2007.  Elected to two terms in the State Senate, first in 1994.  Elected Justice of the Peace in Saline County in 1986 and served for 3 terms.  J.D. and a B.A. in history from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.  twitter

Executive Director  Sarah Jo Reynolds

(Feb. 2016)  Previously political director for the 3rd and 4th CDs.  2nd CD field director for Arkansas Victory in 2014.  Administrative assistant for Commissioner of State Lands John Thurston.  M.S. in college student personnel and B.A. in political science from Arkansas Tech University; served as chairman of Arkansas Tech College Republicans.

Communications Director  Lauren Montgomery 

(Jan. 2016)  Account executive for Team SI, a digital marketing firm from Nov. 2014.  Field director for the Republican Party of Arkansas, July-Nov. 2014.  B.A. degree from University of Arkansas, 2013.

Political Director  Jamie Barker

Political projects coordinator for former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s 2016 presidential campaign.  Degree in biology and chemistry from Ouachita Baptist University.  Originally from Smackover.

Finance Director  Ashley Wells

Started as deputy finance director in 2014.

Victory Offices  >

Little Rock  3600 Cantrell Rd., Suite 202, Little Rock, AR 72202

Conway  1235 Sturgis Rd., Conway, AR 72034

El Dorado  107 S. Washington El Dorado, AR, 71370

Fayetteville   89 W. Main St., Farmington, AR 72730      

Hot Springs  600 Ouachita Ave., Hot Springs, AR 71901 

Jonesboro   2929 S. Caraway Rd. Suite 11 Jonesboro, AR   

Van Buren   620 W. Main St, Van Buren, AR, 72956