Opportunity and Freedom PAC [pro-Perry super PAC]

launch video +

1:14 video from March 5, 2015.

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Chaos Montage:
Male Announcer: Overnight FBI and Homeland Security ...

Female Announcer: ... the images are so sickening...
Obama: ...manufactured crisis...
Josh Ernst: ...the president would veto...
Man: we don't have a president; we don't have a king...
["Bang" SFX]

Male Announcer: How does a country that's lost find its way back?

Start in a place called Paint Creek, Texas--a wide spot in the road where farmers raise crops from drought stricken fields, and where in a farmhouse with no indoor plumbing, a boy named Rick Perry learned lessons of strength, resilience and faith in God. 

He became and Eagle Scout, an Air Force pilot, and married a woman he first met when he was eight years old.

He took those lessons to the highest office in Texas and did what no one thought could be done--helped create more than two million new jobs, 40-percent of the country's jobs since 2009. 

And Texas had the second highest high school graduation rate in the country.

Perry [clip from CPAC 2015]: The weakness and incompetence of our government shouldn't be confused with the strength, the ingenuity [static] and the idealism of the American people.

Male Announcer: America can find its strength again.  We just have to look in the right place.

Male Announcer 2: This message paid for by Opportunity and Freedom PAC.

[Musical flourish to conclude]
