Jill Stein for President

"Jill Stein stands with the #FastForTheClimate" +

2:04 video from April 22, 2015.

Stein: Hi, I am Jill Stein, and I am fasting with the Fast for the Climate, and it's an honor to be joining with many other people around the world who are showing solidarity with those who don't have a choice about fasting, but who are struggling to survive, to, to find enough food and water and shelter to be able to survive the climate crisis. 

So it's very exciting as we begin to join together as never before in the global climate fast.  And I encourage others to participate as one of the many ways that we can take action, because climate has reached the proportions, unprecedented proportions now as a crisis.  So it's very important for us to begin taking extraordinary actions and unprecedented actions together.

Another one of those actions right now are the divestments, and we're seeing now some $50 billion worth of investments in the fossil fuel industry that have been withdrawn from the industry as a result of the divestment movement which has been undertaken by young people that are inspiring others to do the same, not only in our colleges, but in our communities in all kinds of ways.

So this is very exciting.  The fast is important.  And the impact that climate is having now on people, some 400,000 lives per year are being lost to climate change, and the major driver of that crisis and of these deaths and these public health impacts is the lack of food and lack of water.  So by participating in the fast we're really giving support to those who are struggling with some of the worst impacts of climate change.

So please join us and let's go forward together, both in a fast and in other actions to come.  I look forward to working together.  Thanks for your good work.
