Cruz for President

"Blessing" +

0:30 ad run in IA, NH, SC and NV and nationally on Fox News over Easter weekend, April 3-5, 2015.

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Cruz: Were it not for the transformative love [nat. sound "Amen"] of Jesus Christ, I would have been raised by a single mom without my father in the household.

God's blessing has been on America from the very beginning of this nation.

Over and over again, when we faced impossible odds, the American people rose to the challenge.

This is our fight, and that is why I'm running for President of the United States.

I'm Ted Cruz, and I approve this message.

Notes:  According to news accounts this was a $33,000 buy.   The ad is striking in the way it puts Cruz's Christian faith front and center, in terms of the content, the placement, and the timing [press release].  Cruz is really going all out to appeal to people of faith.

The direct mention of faith is not very common in presidential campaign ads.  One recalls that Mike Huckabee emphasized his faith in some of his 2007-08 campaign ads.  "Believe" described Huckabee as a "Christian Leader," and Huckabee's Christmas-time ad "What Really Matters", which directly mentioned Christ and seemed to feature a cross, proved a bit controversial.