Cruz for President

"Right" +

:19 ad announced April 21, 2016, run in Pennsylvania.


Male Announcer:  Obama was a failure.

Hillary could be worse.

We have to get this right.

Ted Cruz will.

Repeal ObamaCare. Grow jobs. Destroy ISIS. 

Jobs, freedom, security: Cruz.

Cruz (voiceover)I'm Ted Cruz and I approve this message.

Notes:  A rare 19-sec. ad, very punchy.  The April 21 press release...

Cruz for President Launches New TV ads in Pennsylvania

HOUSTON, Texas – Today, the Cruz for President campaign released three new ads as part of a statewide buy in Pennsylvania. The ad titled “Right” is a 19 second spot that highlights how, under the prospect of another Clinton Administration, our nation must get this election right so that we can bring jobs, freedom, and security to the American people with a Cruz Presidency. “Solutions” is a 30 second inspirational spot embracing an American public that is interested in solutions and not slogans from their President. “Not Easy is a 30 second spot emphasizing how out-of-step Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are with hardworking Americans, and that Ted Cruz has solutions to cut taxes, roll back regulations, and repeal Obamacare to benefit American families.