Right to Rise PAC

"Michigan" +

0:50 video from June 1, 2015.

grab 1 from bush michigan video grab 2 from bush michigan video grab 3 from bush michigan video grab 4 from bush michigan video grab 5 from bush michigan video


Bush: There's an explosion of innovation in America right now.  And what we ought to be thinking is how do we grow the economy and how does innovation benefit everybody...

I started with the principle that government shouldn't grow faster than people's ability to pay for it.

That's what politics ought to be about.  Electing men and women that are principled, that are conservative, that are focused on service to the people of this state.  And Michigan's on the rise because we've now begun to see what the impact is of conservative principles applied the right way.  [applause]

Notes: Scenes from Bush's May 28 visit.