Jeb 2016, Inc.

"This is Not the End of the Fight Against ObamaCare" >

:50 video from June 25, 2015.  


Bush: The idea that Washington, DC knows best has been proven wrong over and over and over again, and Obamacare is the best example of it in modern times.

I don't believe we should have employer mandates, employee mandates or health care mandates that make health care insurance so extraordinarily expensive.

Any family will tell you that the premiums have gone up.  What we need to have is more choices for people, empowering them to make decisions, rewarding better health care outcomes, more flexibility, less mandates.  Where they're empowered to make more decisions for themselves. 

So fixing this is a huge, huge challenge and we have a duty to begin to solve these problems.

Notes: This video on the Supreme Court's ruling in King v. Burwell. The videographer seems to cut between the different shots of Bush perhaps too frequently.