New Day for America

"It's Time for a New Day for America" +

1:45 video from April 20, 2015.

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John Kasich: Hi, I'm John Kasich and I believe it's time for a new day for America.

You know it's time to put aside the petty differences that divide us and rediscover the values we all share, which have made America great.

Values like personal responsibility, community, respect, courage, and of course faith.  There's so much more that brings us together than that that divides us. 

When we remember that, we can come together and do what we all know needs to be done.

We can balance our nation's budget.

We can create jobs by cutting taxes and streamlining regulations, and of course reforming our tax code.

We can help our fellow Americans who live in the shadows move up and lead self-sufficient lives, and get smart about making health care affordable, and help make the world a safer place by spreading freedom and prosperity.

Those are some of my thoughts, but I would like to hear what yours are too, and I'd like to talk to you about them.  And that's why I'm announcing that we've created the New Day for America committee. 

We're going to start getting around the country more, meeting and talking with more people, and see if by coming together we can put in motion the solutions that will get this great idea called America working the right way again.

I hope you'll visit our website at

While there, I hope you'll sign up to join our team; you can find out more, take a moment to share your thoughts.

You know we're all in this together, and together we can bring a new day for America.

[Music continues]
