O'Malley for President

"New Leadership" +

1:34 video from May 30, 2015.


Male Announcer: We'd like to make an announcement.  We will not stick our finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing.

We will take stands, important ones.

O'Malley (clip from NH): I believe we are standing at the threshhold of a new era of American opportunity, if only we have the guts and have the foresight, and have the courage...

Male Announcer: We will not talk about doing big things, we will do them.

O'Malley (clip from speech): In Maryland we passed a living wage, we passed marriage equality, and we passed the Dream Act.  We made our public schools the best in America five years in a row.

Male Announcer: We will allow ourselves to feel, but steel ourselves to act.

O'Malley (to camera): The week that Baltimore erupted was a heart-breaking week for all of us.

In so many places in our country...

...there are whole swathes of our population that feel unneeded, unrecognized, unneccessary and unheard.  We must do better as a people.

Male Announcer: We will never forget where we come from, but always remember where we're going.

O'Malley (to camera): My dad was able to go to college only because of the GI Bill.  He was from a fairly poor family in Pittsburgh, and only because of a far-seeing and generous nation he was able to go to college; he was able to provide better for his family.  And that's really what our country's all about at our best, is to recognize the potential in each individual, to make us better as a whole nation.

Male Announcer: This is America.  We don't coronate or hand out turns.


Male Announcer: We earn it.


Notes: This is the video that didn't play at O'Malley's announcement.  It sets a hopeful, optimistic tone.  O'Malley addresses the rioting that occured in Baltimore at the end of April, stating, "We must do better as a people." The video concludes with a dig at Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, without naming their names.