Rand Paul for President, Inc.

"He's In" +

0:33 pre-roll video ad from the Louisville Courier Journal site, April 7, 2015.

grab 1 from rand paul video 'he's in' grab 2 from rand paul video 'he's in' grab 3 from rand paul video 'he's in' grab 4 from rand paul video 'he's in' grab 5 from rand paul video 'he's in'

Rand Paul: Please don't skip this video.  We must take our country back.

[Chants: Run Rand Paul]

TEXT: Rand Paul is in...
TEXT: And the Washington machine is on the way out.

Rand Paul (clips from CPAC 2015): To fix Washington we can't have business as usual.

We need to return to our founding principles, stand up for the entire Bill of Rights.

It's time for a new way, a new set of ideas, a new leader, one you can trust, one who works for you, and above all it's time for a new president.

TEXT: Join the movement.

[Chants: Run Rand Paul]
