Bernie 2016

"Bernie Sanders in Manchester, New Hampshire" +

2:26 video from May 5, 2015.

Man Arriving for House Party: A chicken in evey pot and coffee in every cup.

Man: When was the last time you had a fact based, evidence based candidate that actually has a track record that is totally consistent?

Sanders Arriving: Good morning.  How are ya?

Sanders: Did you have your breakfast?
Woman: We did.

Sanders: A beautiful day.  Do we have anybody inside?
Man: One or two people...

Inside the House: ...Thank you for coming.  Thank you.

Woman: We find ourselves at yet another primary season.  But what we didn't have then that we have now is we have Bernie Sanders as a candidate and as a champion...  [applause]

Sanders: I am happy to tell you, now listen to this, in the first 24 hours of our campaign we have raised $1.5 million [audience: "yeahs," applause] and here's how we did it.  We did it with 35,000 people contributing an average of $43.  How's that?  [more cheers, applause]

If this is the wealthiest country in the history of the world, if I am a more productive worker than I used to be, how does it happen that I am working longer hours for lower wages?  How does it happen that what I am earning today is less than it was 30 or 40 years ago in inflation accounted for wages?  How does it happen in the richest country in the history of the world?

So I think we can win here.  I seriously believe we have a path to victory.  It's hard.  We are the underdogs; I'll admit that.  But with your help we can win and it is time really in a very fundamental way to return our country and our government to all of the people and not to a handful of billionaires and with your help that is what we're going to do.  Thank you all very, very much.  [cheers, applause]

I personally captured this bear, tamed it all my self, said bear.  [inaud.]  That's what a good presidential candidate does.

Notes: First official stop of his presidential campaign. a "Brunch with Bernie" house party at the home of Elizabeth Ropp in Manchester.