Jeb 2016 Inc.

"Recovery" +

:60  TV ad run  in NH announced Jan. 13, 2016.


Bush:  Today I was at a summit dealing with this heroin epidemic...  And this is a huge problem...  It's not just heroin; it's drug addiction in general.  And I have personal experience in this as a dad.  My daughter Noelle was addicted to drugs...  And today I called her...  to tell her that I was going to talk about her in this public setting--it's not easy to do.  And she said, go, do it, you know, I want to help...  She was put in jail, and then she went to drug court and it was tough...  It was really hard...  I can look in people's eyes and I know that they've gone through the same thing that Columba and I have.  There is a solution to this...but it requires leadership.  And here's my promise to you.  I won't be a yapper...  I'm not going to be a candidate that's going to yell the loudest or insult the person the most.  But if you want someone that can figure out how to solve a problem...that passionately goes about the business of fixing these things, then I'm your guy.

Bush (voiceover): I’m Jeb Bush and I approve this message.

Notes: The ad features footage of Bush's Jan. 5 town hall at the Hellenic Center in Dover.  The campaign notes, "The ad features a personal story about Jeb and his daughter Noelle’s battle with drug addiction and the recovery process. There is a solution to this heartbreaking epidemic but it requires leadership."