Chris Christie for President

"Every Life" +

:30 ad run in NH starting Sept. 2, 2015.

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grab 6 from christie ad 'every life' grab 7 from christie ad 'every life' grab 8 from christie ad 'every life' grab 9 from christie ad 'every life' grab 10 from christie ad 'every life'


Christie: See I’m pro-life. And I believe that every life is precious.

Not only for the baby in the womb, we need to be pro-life for the 16 year old drug addict who’s laying on the floor of the county jail.

And so that’s why I so firmly believe that the way to really win the war on drugs is to treat the addict. For those whose lives we have a chance to save I want us to try and save those lives.

Because I believe that every one of those lives is a precious gift from God and it’s not up to us to decide when that life ends.

I’m Chris Christie and I approve this message.

Notes: Christie's fourth TV ad.  According to the campaign, "The ad, the first this cycle to focus specifically on the drug epidemic facing our country, highlights Governor Christie's strong belief that being pro-life means remaining pro-life throughout a person's entire life - even while battling the disease of addiction."