America Leads [pro-Christie super PAC]

"Stand Up" +

:30 ad run in NH, announced Sept. 9, 2015.

Christie:  Even with a Democratic legislature, Americans for Tax Reform just said that ‘Chris Christie has vetoed more tax increases than any governor in American history.’

We cut 800 programs out of the state budget to bring the state budget into balance without raising taxes.

Nearly 200,000 new private sector jobs ...  because we cut taxes, made government smaller.

You need to be willing to stand up to Congress and tell them what you won’t do, so then you can drag them to doing what the American people want them to do.” [applause]

Male Announcer: America Leads is reponsible for the content of this advertising.

Notes: The pro-Christie super PAC's third ad.  According to the Sept. 9 press release:

"In 'Stand Up' Governor Christie speaks with a Laconia, N.H. town hall audience about his strong conservative record of making state government more efficient, rejecting tax increases and helping the private sector grow and create more good-paying jobs.  The ad specifically highlights the recent comment from Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform that, 'Governor Chris Christie has vetoed more tax hikes than any other Governor in modern American history.'"