Hillary for America

"Believer +

0:30 ad run in TX from approx. Feb. 21-23, 2016.


Female Announcer:  In every mom who takes on a second job, every school lunch packed, every moment helping with homework, lies the belief that your child's life will be better than your own.

Hillary Clinton is a believer too.

Winning health care for eight million children, voting for immigration reform when others didn't, and fighting to cut the cost of college.

Clinton (clip from town hall):  ...to open up the doors so that every child has a chance to live up to his or her God-given potential.

Clinton (voiceover):  I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.

Notes: Reported by the Houston Chronicle (Bobby Cervantes, "Clinton's latest play for Latino voters in Texas, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 23, 2016)  to run in "...Latino-dominated media markets along the border."