Hillary for America

"Sen. Amy Klobuchar" +

0:60 ad from Feb. 24, 2016 run in MN.


Male Announcer:  Senator Amy Klobuchar.


Sen. Klobuchar:  A few years ago some Minnesota moms reached out to me.

They had been in the process of adopting orphans from Haiti when the devastating earthquake hit.

There was total chaos.  Records were destroyed and they couldn't figure out how to get their babies home.

I called Hillary Clinton, who was the Secretary of State.  Soon those babies came home to Minnesota and their families.

That's the Hillary I know; she gets things done.  And she always, always puts kids and families first.

She joined the Children's Defense Fund after law school, won health care for eight million children as First Lady, and spoke out against the abuse of women and girls around the world as Secretary of State.

That's who she is and it's why I'm asking you to caucus for Hillary.

The caucuses are at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1st.

Male Announcer:  You can find your caucus location at HillaryClinton.com/mn

Hillary Clinton:  I'm Hillary Clinton, candidate for president, and I approve this message.

Male Announcer:  Paid for by Hillary for America.

