Hillary for America

"Fight for Us" +

0:60 ad from March 4, 2016 run in Detroit and Flint, MI.



Male Announcer:  Actress Kerry Washington...

Kerry Washington:  The Washington, DC you see on television can be pretty different from the real one, but here's one truth about the real DC.

We need a president who will fight for us, and that is Hillary Clinton.

After law school, she chose to fight for justice for South Carolina teenagers jailed in adult prisons, worked in Alabama to expose segregation in schools, and in Arkansas she ran a free legal aid clinic because that's who she is.

Hillary Clinton:  I'm running for president to break down all the barriers that stand in the way of Americans achieving their dreams.

Male Announcer:  Hillary Clinton, speaking in Harlem...

Hillary Clinton:  You deserve a serious plan to create jobs, a plan to address the generations of under-investment and neglect.

Male Announcer:  Kerry Washington...

Kerry Washington:  She'll raise incomes, reform our justice system, and build on President Obama's progress.  But she can't do it without you.  On March 8th vote for Hillary Clinton.

I'm Hillary Clinton, candidate for president, and I approve this message.

Male Announcer:  Paid for by Hillary for America.

