Hillary for America

"Work Hard" +

0:60 ad run in WI from March 25, 2016.


Clinton (voice over):  You know in America if you work hard you're supposed to be able to get ahead no matter who you are or where you started out.

But too many barriers hold back our families.

Instead of affordable college, we have skyrocketing debt.  Paychecks barely budge, but CEO pay keeps rising.  And instead of good-paying jobs, millions of Americans are stuck.  Wall Street and big financial interests along with drug companies, insurance companies, big oil companies.  The indifference, the negligence, that's what I want to take on.

I'm running for president to root out all of these barriers because I think America can only live up to its potential when we make sure that every American has a chance to live up to his or her potential.

I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.

Notes: The ad is largely Clinton audio over stock imagery of everyday scenes of people.  Clinton is first seen in a still image 16 seconds in.  The viewer sees a less than two-second clip of Clinton speaking at the Feb. 11 debate in Milwaukee ['the indifference, the negligence'].

The video was posted on YouTube on March 10, so it may well have run in earlier states.