Cruz for President

"Cruz Commander" + 

:60 ad run in IA during Duck Dynasty and the NFL playoffs, announced Jan. 19, 2016.


Phil Robertson My qualifications for President of the United States are rather narrow. 
Is he or she godly?

Does he or she love us?

Can he or she do the job?

And finally, would they kill a duck and put them in a pot and make a good duck gumbo.
I’ve looked at the candidates.

Ted Cruz is my man, he fits the bill.

He’s godly, he loves us, he’s the man for the job, and he will go duck hunting, because today we’re going.
Ted Cruz is my man.  I'm voting for him.

Cruz the reason we’re going to vote for you, all of us, is because you’re one of us my man. That’s why we’re voting for you.  It’s now or never.  We’re gonna lose our beloved country unless there’s a turn around and I think this is it.

Cruz:  I'm Ted Cruz and I approve this message.

Notes: According to the Jan.19, 2016 press release:

"The Cruz for President campaign today announced a new Iowa ad buy for "Cruz Commander" with Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the Robertson Family and star of the popular reality TV series, Duck Dynasty. Robertson endorsed Ted Cruz for President last week saying that Cruz is “the man for the job.” The new $700,000 ad buy will run on both radio and TV next week and air during Duck Dynasty and the NFL playoffs."