Make America Awesome [anti-Trump]

"Real Trump Record" +

0:60 ad from Dec. 29, 2015 run in NH.


Male Announcer:  Christmas leaves you feeling stressed, maybe a little broke.  Most of us know that feeling.  We could use someone on our side, fighting for a better economy and higher wages.

Some folks say that's Donald Trump, and they think they know him from the character he plays on TV.

But Trump's real record?  Not so fast.

That $10 billion he claims he's worth, Forbes Magazine says Trump's exaggerating it, claiming to be a lot richer than he really is.  Maybe he hopes you'll forget his companies have gone bankrupt four times.

Trump says American workers are paid too much.  Maybe that's why he's been caught importing cheap foreign workers.  And Trump's casinos have slashed worker benefits.

The Washington Post says the way Trump got rich was at the expense of taxpayers or the banks and investors who loaned him money.

He's even used government power to seize private property and brags about it.

That's the real Trump record.  Fighting for himself, not for us.

Make America Awesome paid for this ad and is solely responsible for its contents.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Notes:  Formed by Liz Mair. 

"Make America Awesome is a SuperPAC dedicated to blocking and reversing Donald Trump’s political ascent. We are an independent group, and are not authorized by any presidential candidate or candidate committee. Our focus is on using unconventional and cost-effective tactics, as opposed to stereotypical high-cost, limited-yield methods with the objective of providing maximum donor value."