Bernie 2016

"Transformative Change" +
"Cambio Transformador" +

:30 TV ad run in IL, from March 10, 2016.


Commissioner Chuy Garcia:  People in this community badly want and need a fair shot.  For too long politicians haven't quite stood up for them. 

Bernie Sanders is about giving everyone an opportunity to do better.

This is a year for transformative change. 

If you are beholden to big money, you will not be a transformative leader.

I'm Commissioner Chuy Garcia.  I'm supporting Bernie Sanders.

Sanders (voiceover):  I'm Bernie Sanders, and I approve this message. 

Commissioner Chuy Garcia:  Esta communidad busca igualdad de oportunidad.

El sistema no funciona justamente y este es el año para traer un cambio verdadero.

Bernie Sanders no es un un político convencional.  Es un hombre transformador.

Él busca luchar por la gente trajabadora, por el inmigrante.

Su campaña representa un cambio verdadero.

Yo soy el comisionado Chuy Garcia apoyo a Bernie Sanders.

Sanders (voiceover):  I'm Bernie Sanders, and I approve this message. 

Notes:  The March 10 press release...

New Sanders TV Ads: We Need Real Political Change in Chicago and America 

CHICAGO – Bernie Sanders’ campaign released three new 30-second television commercial in Illinois on Friday. One features Cook County Commissioner Jesús (Chuy) García, a recent candidate for mayor. Another ad features Troy LaRaviere, a Chicago public schools principal. The ads call for major political changes in Chicago.

“People in this community badly want and need a fair shot,” the commissioner says. “For too long, politicians haven’t quite stood up for them. Bernie Sanders is about giving everyone an opportunity to do better. This is a year for transformative change. If you are beholden to bad money, you will not be a transformative leader.”

In the second ad, the principal says, “In Chicago, we have endured a corrupt political system. And the chief politician standing in the way of us getting good schools is our mayor. If you have a presidential candidate that supports someone like our mayor, you have a candidate who is not willing to take on the establishment,” says LaRaviere. “Bernie Sanders is definitely not afraid to take on the system. He looks beyond that system and sees better possibilities for us. He sees that this is not the way it has to be.”

In December, Sanders called for "any official who helped suppress the videotape of Laquan McDonald's murder [to] be held accountable." As a candidate, Sanders has made criminal justice reform a key issue in his campaign.

As a college student at the University of Chicago, Sanders was a leader of the Congress for Racial Equality. In 1963, he was arrested while participating in protests to desegregate public schools in Chicago. "The fight against injustice and inequality has been the work of his life," the narrator says in the third ad entitled "Work of His Life."

To watch the ad featuring Commissioner Garcia in Spanish and English, click here and here.
To watch the ad featuring Principal LaRaviere, click here.
To watch the ad entitled "Work of His Life," click here.