Hillary for America

"País Primero" +

0:30 ad run in Florida from Sept. 7, 2016.  


Carlos Gutierrez:  Donald Trump no tiene las cualidades necesarias para ser Presidente.

Lo se, porque yo trabajé en el gabinete del Presidente Bush durante  cuatro años.

Nací en Cuba, pero este país me dio el éxito. He sido republicano toda mi vida, pero primero soy americano.

¿Votar por Trump? No puedo. Es peligroso y no quiero vernos retroceder.

Hillary Clinton tiene la experiencia y confío en ella.

Par mi, primero país y después partido.

Clinton (voiceover):  I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.

Notes:  The Sept. 7 press release...

New Spanish Language Ads Highlight the Dangers of a Trump Presidency for Latinos

New ads feature a prominent Cuban-American Republican who has endorsed Clinton and a snapshot of Clinton's record of fighting for families and children.

Hillary for America released two new Spanish language television and digital ads today underscoring how Donald Trump is unfit to be president while Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate to lead the country forward, especially for Latino and immigrant communities.

"País Primero" (Country First) highlights Carlos Gutierrez's, former Secretary of Commerce under George W. Bush, support for Clinton. In the face of Trump's divisive rhetoric and reckless agenda, Gutierrez has joined a growing list of Republicans who are putting party lines aside and backing Clinton. As Gutierrez recounts, although he has been a Republican his entire life he is "an American first" and believes a Trump presidency would be dangerous for the country. The second ad, "Verdadera Fuerza" (Real Strength), exposes the type of strength that is needed to be president — one that is measured by helping others and breaking down barriers rather than by insults and bigotry. The ad contrasts Clinton's lifelong record of fighting for families with Trump's history of recklessly demeaning communities of color.

Both ads are the latest in a series of Spanish ads throughout the general election that highlight what's at stake for the Latino and immigrant communities in this election. Earlier this summer, the campaign released "Nuestra Historia", a Spanish ad focusing on the deep roots of the Latino community, as well as a number of English ads targeting Latino audiences. While Donald Trump began his campaign by insulting immigrants and has consistently pledged to deport 16 million people, Clinton has laid out an agenda that will help Latinos build a better future and provide immigrants a path out of the shadows. "País Primero" will run in Florida and "Verdadera Fuerza" will run in Florida and Nevada media markets.