Hillary for America

"Juntos Se Puede" +

0:30 ad run in FL and NV from Oct. 21, 2016.  

Karla Ortiz:  I may be just a kid, but I know what this election means for families like mine.


    TEXT: Millones de hispanos están alzondo su voz

Astrid Silva:  Necessita a alguien que está dispuesto a tomar esa espada y luchar por nosotros.

Tony Selvaggio:  Yo quiero que mi hija crezca en un país de oportunidades.

Rosa Beltrán:  Es tiempo de mover nuestros votos. Diciéndole a nuestros hijos. Diciéndole al vecino.

Announcer: ¿Listo para defender a nuestro país?  Únete a los millones de hispanos votando.

Ariana Delgado:  Mi nombre es Ariana Delgado.

Victor Juarez:  Mi nombre es Victor Juarez.

María Lacayo:  María Lacayo.

Ricardo Tamez:  Ricardo Tamez.

Cindy Guerra:  Cindy Guerra. Voy a votar por Hillary Clinton.

Clinton (voiceover):  I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.


Karla Ortiz:  I may be just a kid, but I know what this election means for families like mine.

Astrid Silva:  They need someone willing to grab that sword and fight for us {idiom for someone who will defend you/fight on your side.}

Tony Selvaggio:  I want my daughter to grow up in a nation of opportunity

Rosa Beltrán:  It’s time to get out the vote. Telling our kids. Telling our neighbors.

Announcer: Ready to defend our country? Join the millions of Hispanics voting.

Ariana Delgado:  My name is Ariana Delgado.

Victor Juarez:  My name is Victor Juarez.

María Lacayo:  María Lacayo.

Ricardo Tamez:  Ricardo Tamez.

Cindy Guerra:  Cindy Guerra. I’m voting for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton (voiceover):  I’m Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.

Notes: The Oct. 21, 2016 press release...

New Bilingual Ad: "Juntos Se Puede" 

Hillary for America released a new bilingual TV and digital ad titled "Juntos se Puede" (Stronger Together), featuring Latinos from all walks of life who are coming together to elect Hillary Clinton this November. The ad includes Clinton's most recent debate guests–DREAMer and activist Astrid Silva, 11-year old Karla Ortiz, whose parents live in fear of deportation and former Broward County Republican Chair Cindy Guerra–underscoring the stakes in this election for people like them. From lifelong Republicans and first time voters to DREAMers and mothers–millions of Latinos across the country are raising their voices and mobilizing their communities to ensure Clinton becomes our next president.

The ad encourages Latinos to vote early in Florida and Nevada and visit voyavotar2016.com to find out where and how to vote.