Purple PAC

"Gary Johnson 2016 - The honorable choice for a change" +

:30 TV run on cable from Aug. 25, 2016.


Trump (clip):  "I'd like to punch him in the face."

Male Announcer:  One candidate offends everyone.

Trump (clip):  "Oh, I don't know what I said..."

Male Announcer:  The other will say anything to get elected.

Clinton (clip):  "I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time."

FBI Director Comey:  "110 emails...contained classified information at the time..."

[Music up tempo]

Male Announcer:  America deserves better. 

Gary Johnson supports social tolerance, free enterprise and a sane foreign policy, a government that stays out of your pocketbook and out of your bedroom.

Gary Johnson for President.  The honorable choice for a change.

Purple PAC, Inc. is responsible for the content of this message.

NotesAccording to news reports Purple PAC, headed by Ed Crane, planned to spend $1million to run this ad, with the goal of helping to boost Johnson to 15% in the polls.