Rebuilding America Now

"Hillary Clinton: More of the Same" +

:30 TV run nationally week of June 6, 2016.

Bill Clinton:  But I want to say one thing...

Hillary Clinton:  We turned over everything...

Bill Clinton:  I want you to listen to me...

Hillary Clinton:  I did not... 

Bill Clinton:  I did not...

Hillary Clinton:  I did not send classified material...

Bill Clinton:  ...not a single time....

Hillary Clinton:  ...and I did not receive...

Bill Clinton:  ...never...

Hillary Clinton:  ...any material that was marked or designated classified...

Bill Clinton:  I never told anybody to lie...

Hillary Clinton:  That's all I can say...

Bill Clinton:  These allegations are false...

Hillary Clinton:  I don't know how it works digitally at all...

Male Announcer:  Rebuilding America Now PAC is responsible for the content of this message.
