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March 3, 2016

UFW endorsement cites Clinton’s record of consistent
support for farm workers & immigration reform

United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez issued the following statement from the union’s Keene, Calif. headquarters:

After elected farm worker leaders from companies under UFW contracts discussed the presidential race for a year, studied the candidates’ words, actions and careers, and recently spent an hour closely interviewing Hillary Clinton on key farm worker issues, the United Farm Workers believes Secretary Clinton is the strong, most respectful leader our country needs now.

Hillary Clinton has consistently stood with farm workers and immigrants, fought on behalf of and voted for comprehensive immigration reform, repeatedly sponsored the UFW-negotiated AgJobs legislation as a senator, supported farm workers in their fights for union contracts and worked to end discrimination against them.

The consistent respect Hillary Clinton has shown farm workers over her career, her willingness to answer tough questions, her commitment and work to end prejudice and her determination in the pursuit of progressive change have earned our support. Hillary Clinton has the strong resolve needed to make change happen. She is the most experienced candidate for president in recent memory. And she is the best equipped to defeat the nativist, hateful forces of the current Republican front-runner.

Leaders elected by UFW members under union contracts Maria de Jesus and Guillermo Garcia of Ventura County (Calif), Liliana Herrera of Sonoma County (Calif.), Efren Fraide and Justo Tovar of Monterey County (Calif.), Agustin Garcia of Fresno County (Calif.), Jose Sanchez of San Joaquin County (Calif.), Efren Ayala of Tulare County (Calif.), Beronica Rivas and Salvador Castillo of Kern County (Calif.), Gerardo Rios of Yakima (Wash.) and Raul Esparza of Hermiston (Ore.) were among those who asked questions of Secretary Clinton and made motions to her for President. They can be made available for comment.

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Hillary for America
March 3, 2016

Hillary Clinton Sobre el Apoyo Oficial de la Unión de Campesinos

Hillary Clinton hizo las siguientes declaraciones después de obtener el apoyo de la Unión de Campesinos (UFW por sus siglas en inglés). El apoyo se dio después de una reunión con miembros de la unión en California. UFW fue fundada en 1962 por Cesar Chávez y actualmente es el sindicato de campesinos más grande del país con miembros en 10 estados.  

“Es un honor para mí recibir el apoyo oficial de la unión ‘United Farm Workers’ – una organización creada, construida y expandida por Cesar Chávez, Dolores Huerta y Larry Itliong, quien continúa protegiendo los derechos de los campesinos, los derechos de los latinos, los derechos de los inmigrantes y los derechos humanos.
"Siempre me ha enorgullecido estar al lado de la Unión de Campesinos en su lucha por los derechos de los campesinos y su lucha por una reforma migratoria  - sé que seguiremos luchando juntos y que pronto lo vamos a alcanzar. Aún tenemos mucho trabajo para asegurar que los trabajadores no sean víctimas de abusos, que se les pague por las horas extras trabajadas, que no estén obligados a trabajar en condiciones inseguras, o explotados por sus empleadores – independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Las familias trabajadoras, incluyendo a nuestros campesinos hacen que nuestro país y nuestra economía sean fuertes. Debemos mantener a las familias unidas y no separarlas. Ningún padre en Estados Unidos debe de pasar la noche despierto temiendo escuchar un golpe en la puerta. Todos los trabajadores en los Estados Unidos merecen tener sueldos que reflejen las horas que han trabajado y el sudor que han derramado.
"Continuaré luchando al lado del sindicato para tumbar las barreras que siguen impidiendo que los trabajadores salgan adelante. Porque cuando los trabajadores y los sindicatos son fuertes y las familias están fuertes - y cuando las familias están fuertes, el país está fuerte."


Hillary Clinton Statement on the Endorsement of the United Farm Workers

Hillary Clinton released the following statement after earning the endorsement of the United Farm Workers (UFW). The endorsement follows Clinton’s meeting with UFW members in California. UFW was founded in 1962 by Cesar Chavez and is the nation’s largest farm worker union currently active in 10 states.
“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the United Farm Workers—a movement that was started and built by Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, and Larry Itliong, and that is still standing strong today in the fight for workers’ rights, Latino rights, immigrant rights, and human rights.
“I have always been proud to stand with the United Farm Workers in the fight for farm workers rights and the fight for comprehensive immigration reform—fights we will wage and win together. We have work to do to ensure that workers cannot be taken advantage of, cheated on wages, coerced into working in unsafe conditions, or exploited by their employers—regardless of their immigration status. Working families, including our farm workers, make our country and our economy strong.  We should be keeping families together, not tearing them apart. No parent in America should lay awake at night fearful of hearing a knock on the door. Every worker in America should have a full paycheck that reflects the hours they’ve worked and the sweat they’ve shed.
“I will fight every day alongside the United Farm Workers to break down all the barriers holding people back. Because when workers and unions are strong, families are strong—and when families are strong, America is strong.”
For Immediate Release, March 3, 2016