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March 15, 2016

TO: Interested Parties
FROM: John Weaver, Chief Strategist
RE: Whole New Ballgame

As we’ve long-predicted and planned for, John Kasich won Ohio tonight, resetting the race.
Tonight’s results make clear:
1. Gov. Kasich positive message and proven record can overcome the Donald Trump insult machine.
2. No candidate will win 1237 delegates.
3. With a narrowing field, Gov. Kasich is the candidate best positioned to go toe-to-toe in the remaining states. Our internal data shows that Rubio voters break to Gov. Kasich by a 3:1 margin. Senator Rubio will have to decide about the future of his campaign, but we believe voters in the remaining states will see this as a 3-person race no matter what.
4. With the electoral map shifting significantly in our favor, Gov. Kasich is positioned to accumulate a large share of the almost 1,000 remaining delegates and enter Cleveland in strong position to become the nominee.
5. Thanks to a consistent campaign plan and sound stewardship, Kasich forAmerica’s financial resources are growing stronger. More and more supporters are coming on board as they recognize Gov. Kasich is the only candidate left who can take on Donald Trump, unite the Party and win the White House in November.
6. Of the 3 remaining viable candidates, only Gov. Kasich will defeat Hillary Clinton in an Electoral College landslide, sweeping in Republicans from the courthouse to the Senate. The other candidates would lose to Hillary Clinton in dramatic fashion and cost us seats in down-ballot races from California to Maine.

