Campaign Literature—Pre-Campaign

The Draft Ben Carson for President Committee
Booklet (26 pages), cover and first two pages.  5 1/2" x 8 1/2."

Who is Dr. Ben Carson?

Most Americans know Dr. Carson as the man who courageously, yet respectfully, challenged President Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast in February of 2013.

But Dr. Carson is so much more than that:
He is a husband, father, best-selling author and a world renown neurosurgeon.

He is a man who is blessed with the speaking skills of Ronald Reagan and the wisdom of Solomon.

Most importantly, he is a patriot and a principled statesman who refuses to let liberals continue their "fundamental" transformation of this great country.

I know you love your country just as Dr. Carson does. I also know you will not settle for a candidate other than an honest, down-to­-earth, Reagan conservative.

There is only one candidate who can fundamentally restore limited constitutional government and heal America ...

That candidate is Dr. Ben Carson.

Why Dr. Ben Carson is the Only Candidate Who Can Heal and Unite America

His Life Story: The American Dream

Ben Carson's story is one of humble beginnings and perseverance. He earned everything he has and his commitment to his faith and his family made him who he is now. His story personifies the American dream.

•     Ben was raised by a single mother, Sonya, in dire poverty and a crime-ridden neighborhood home in Detroit.

•     She often worked three jobs and eighteen hour days so her family would not have to live off of welfare.

•     Ben described himself as a "horrible student with a violent temper". But his mother worked hard to help Ben realize his potential and he became the best student in his class.

His teachings as a child established his commitment to hard work and self-reliance and helped him become a world famous neurosurgeon.

•     Ben graduated at the top of his class at the University of Michigan Medical School.

•     At the age of 33, he became the youngest Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins University.

•     In 1987, he became world renown by successfully separating conjoined twins (at the head).

The 2013 National Prayer Breakfast

At the National Prayer Breakfast in February of 2013, Ben Carson boldly took a stand and explained to the President why Obamacare would fail and why his policy of income redistribution was immoral.

Dr. Carson's speech was inspirational and connected with Americans from all walks of life because of one thing ....

Dr. Ben Carson Defies the Liberal's Notion of Success

•     A world famous neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins University.

•     The author of six best-selling books.

•     The recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

•     And a possible candidate to become President of the United States.

Dr. Carson's life personifies the American dream and shows that African Americans don't need to support Democrats and big government policies in order to succeed.

Democrats and the Politics of Envy

President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic Party have spent the last six years intentionally dividing Americans.

•     They have engaged in petty class warfare and have told Hispanics that Republicans are their "enemies" .

•     They have encouraged African Americans to think of all white people as racists.

•     Instead of helping to build up the poor they have decided to pull down the wealthy in their zero-sum game of politics and envy.

A House Divided Cannot Stand

Ben Carson understands that the politics of envy and a nation divided against itself threatens the foundations of this country.

As he has said ...

"It seems to me that we are all divided. We used to be united. I want people to realize that we are not each other's enemy. Wedges are driven between us to create wars of every type, and to divide and conquer. Jesus said, 'A house divided against itself cannot stand."'

Dr. Ben Carson Will Heal America and Unite Americans!

Alexis de Tocqueville once remarked ...

"America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton reject the notion that America is exceptional, or even good. They don't see America as "the shining city on the hill" as Ronald Reagan once described it.

Ben Carson proudly said:

" ... there is no country I'd rather be a citizen of and call home than America. Where else but in this land of opportunity are people given so much freedom to pursue their dreams, with the potential to bring out the best in everyone?"

The answer is only in America.

•     Dr. Carson's life personifies the American dream and is as much a testament to the greatness of this nation as it is to the strength of his character.

•     Dr. Carson is the only one who can end the distrust and divide that has been crassly exploited by the Democratic Party. That's why they fear him.

•     Ben Carson is the near perfect candidate for President, and the only man who can heal and unite America.

Why Dr. Ben Carson is the Only Candidate Who Can Defeat Hillary Clinton

Hillary 2016

With billionaire financier George Soros already in her comer, it looks like Hillary Clinton will become the Democratic nominee for President in 2016.

Americans cannot afford to have her as commander-in-chief.

This nation desperately needs someone who fears God, respects the Constitution and has common sense solutions that will heal and unite America.

That person is Dr. Ben Carson!

Dr. Carson Has the Numbers on His Side

Only Dr. Carson Can Defeat Hillary

Any Republican candidate will need at least 17% of the black vote in order to win, but only Dr. Ben Carson can achieve that.
Here's why:

*    Internal polling from Herman Cain's 2012 Presidential campaign projected him winning more than 40% of the black vote and 60% of the Latino vote.

*    Voters identified with Herman Cain's story, life struggles, and success. Imagine how they will identify with Dr. Carson's story!

*    No other candidate can win 17% of the black vote. Both John McCain and Mitt Romney failed to get anywhere near 17% of the black vote. Even with a majority of the white vote, both lost in their races.

America Needs a Reagan Conservative Again

*    This nation critically needs a common sense, Ronald Reagan conservative at its helm again.

*    If Republicans nominate another moderate like McCain or Romney, Hillary will win.

*    Dr. Ben Carson is the only candidate with those common sense solutions and is a genuine Ronald Reagan conservative.

Imagine the Presidential Race Between Dr. Carson and Hillary...

On one hand you have Hillary - the career lawyer and politician who has devoted her life to gaining more power while pretending to be a public servant.

On the other hand you have Dr. Ben Carson - a charismatic and articulate black man and a world renowned physician whose story is both inspirational and personifies the American dream.

Imagine Dr. Carson uniting Americans and inspiring them with his story of how he ...

*    Was raised in Detroit in dire poverty by his single mother who worked three jobs to keep her family together and off welfare.

*    Went from being a "horrible student with a violent temper" to becoming the top student in his class and graduating from Yale and the University of Michigan medical school.

*    Turned down an opportunity to attend West Point because his faith in God and in himself led him to pursue his dream of becoming a world-class neurosurgeon. That takes character and courage.

*    Became the youngest major Division Director at the prestigious John Hopkins Hospital at the age 33.

Dr. Ben Carson Will Restore America

That's why Hillary Clinton will do anything to make sure that Ben Carson is never elected. She is perfectly fine continuing down the path towards fundamental transformation that Barack Obama started in 2008.

Right now, no one is standing in her way.

That's why it is crucial that Dr. Ben Carson run for President!

Only Dr. Ben Carson Can Stop Hillary

Winning the White House in 2016 is critical in order to reverse the destructive and divisive policies of the Obama administration

Only Ben Carson can:

*    Restore American prosperity.

*    Bring America back from the brink of economic collapse.

*    Return our nation to traditional, moral standards.

*    And reestablish limited, Constitutional government.

With his inspirational story, dedication to America's values, and common sense solutions, Dr. Ben Carson is the only candidate who can defeat Hillary Clinton and save America.

Dr. Ben Carson is a Genuine Ronald Reagan Conservative with Common Sense Solutions for America

A Time for Choosing

*    America must elect a man who will not settle for politics as usual.

*    We must elect a man who is 100% committed to the United States Constitution and to the principles of freedom set forth by the Founders.

*    We must elect a man who will insist on a balanced budget and who is not a captive of political correctness.

*    We must elect a statesman who puts country before self and who believes government exists to serve the people and not the other way around.

Dr. Ben Carson Will Offer Common Sense Conservative Solutions to All Americans

*    Dr. Ben Carson has the eloquence of Ronald Reagan, the common sense of our Founders, and the wisdom of Solomon.

*    That's why he is such a threat to Hillary and the Democrats.

*    Not only are his solutions practical, they are refreshing.

National Debt

Dr. Carson advocates cutting government spending by 10% each year, across the board until the budget is balanced.

"To saddle the next generation with unimaginable debt is not only callous, it is moral reprehensible."


Repeal It! Replace It!

"When a person is born, give him ... an electronic medical record, and a health savings account, to which money can be contributed, pretax from the time you are born to the time you die."

You own it, your heirs inherit it, the government is not involved.

Furthermore, Dr. Carson explains that. ..

" ... Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And ... it is slavery in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government, and it was never about health care. It was about control."


Follow the Biblical example and make it flat and make sure that everyone has skin in the game. Everyone pays .

"When I pick up my Bible, you know what I see? I see the fairest individual in the Universe, God, and he's given us a system. It's called tithe. Now, we don't necessarily have to [make] it 10%, but it's [the] principle ... "


As a Christian, Dr. Carson believes that. .

" ... marriage is between a man and a woman and that no group has the right to change the definition of marriage to suit their needs."


End it now! It's barbaric, and it is not protected by our Constitution. It contributes to the growing culture of death in our society.

Dr. Carson understands that. ..

" ... life begins at conception rather than at the time of delivery or at some arbitrary point during gestation."

Illegal Immigration

Dr. Carson believes that politicians should listen to the American people and secure our borders.

Judeo Chrstian Values

"These are values that ... led us to the pinnacle position in the world faster than any nation in history."

Redistribution of Income

*    While Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama believe in the Marxist concept of redistribution, Ben Carson does not.

*    He believes it is un-American and it causes universal misery as socialism always does. It's counterproductive, immoral, and unjust.


"When the vision of the U.S. government included guarding the rights of the people but staying out of their way, America was an economic engine more powerful than anything the world has ever witnessed."


Ben Carson's philosophy is simple:

Appoint judges totally committed to the Constitution.

Political Correctness

Dr. Ben Carson will never surrender to political correctness.

" ... if we don't oppose political correctness ... / believe we could see a dictatorship with brutal domination of any individual or group that opposes the leadership."


*    It not only encourages self-destructive behavior, it is a trap that dehumanizes those caught in it. Replace it with a truly compassionate approach that works through churches and other nonprofit groups, allowing those on welfare to share in the American dream.

*    Dr. Carson will replace it with a path to self-reliance and success for those entrapped in that Democratic Party created nightmare.

"A truly moral nation enacts policies that encourage personal responsibility and discourage self-destructive behavior by not subsidizing people who live irresponsibly and make poor choices."

Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Dr. Carson understands that it's a vital part of our Bill of Rights. We will not stop criminals by disarming Americans.

Dr. Carson stated,

" ... If you registered them they will just come and find you and take your guns."

In summary ...

"I would never allow the Second Amendment to be jeopardized."

Democrats and Republicans

*    Both parties have been a part of the problem. Instead of serving the people they have been serving themselves and their own interests.

Speaking of our leaders, Dr. Carson says that many ...

" ... believe that when you're elected to office, you become some kind of member of the aristocracy, and that anyone who challenges you is attacking you and is unpatriotic. This is foolishness."

He also reminds us that. ..

"Both Democrats and Republicans have strayed so far from the path of responsible financial policy that the concept of balancing the budget is foreign to them."

War on Religion

*    Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion.  As the Founders repeatedly said, without public virtue, freedom cannot survive. As Dr. Carson said,

"We should not be afraid to say Merry Christmas."


As a Christian, Dr. Carson wisely notes ...

"While values, knowledge and compassion are key for getting America back on track, the most important thing is prayer."

*    Like Eisenhower and Reagan, Carson is a citizen statesman, willing to sacrifice his private life to serve his nation.

The Nearly Perfect Candidate for President

*    No candidate for President, even Hillary Clinton, can defeat him.

*    No Republican candidate for President is as articulate, courageous, and filled with as much wisdom as Ben Carson.

*    No other candidate has such an inspirational story of perseverance and hard work that so personifies the
American dream.

*    Ben Carson owes no debt to special interests, he is not cowed by the liberal news media, and he is a man of honor.

And lastly ....

No other candidate for President can heal and unite our broken land.

But, Will Ben Carson Run for President?

The answer is YES!

He has made it clear he will run if drafted ...

Dr. Carson has said that if ONE MILLION petitions were collected in support of him running for president he'd have to
"seriously consider it."

Recently, on the Sean Hannity show, guest host Bob Just interviewed Dr. Ben Carson. At one point in the interview, Just asked Carson if he was going to run for President in 2016. This was Carson's response ...

"If the circumstances were to evolve in such a way that [running for President] seemed to be what God was calling me to do, I would certainly do it. And, I would never turn my back on my fellow citizens, if there was a hue and cry for such."

And according to a blog post on May 15th by Fred Barnes at the Weekly Standard, Carson said ...

"If I felt called by God to officially enter the world of politics, I would certainly not hesitate to do so."

Even better, Carson admitted that he is ...

" . .. starting to feel it. Because every place I go, it's unbelievable. One lady really touched me the other night ... She just kept clinging to my hand and said 'You have to run. You have to run' And so many people tell me that, and so I think I'm starting to hear something."

Early Successes tor the National Dratt Ben Carson tor President Committee

The National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee has been hard at work so that when Dr. Carson enters the race, he will have everything he needs to win. So far we have ...

*    17 ,000+ volunteers working in states across America.

*    300,000+ signed petitions urging Dr. Carson to run.

*    Paid field workers in in the West, Midwest, South, and Northeast regions.

*    Invested in technology to match or top the sophisticated campaigns of Dr. Carson's opponents.

*    Run ads on the Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh shows urging Dr. Ben Carson to run for President.

*    Conducted billboard campaigns in Iowa and Maryland urging Ben Carson to run.

*    Distributed over two million bumper strips, posters, buttons, and other campaign materials.